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Title: Dr.-Ing
6G-life Position: Research Associate
University: TU Dresden – Vodafone Chair Mobile Communications Systems
Phone: +49 351 463 41071
Google Scholar
Work Packages: WP 3.4 Joint Communications and Sensing / Lokalisierung , WP4.4 Test fields

Ahmad Nimr received the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from TU Dresden, Germany in 2021, M.Sc. degree from TU Ilmenau, Germany in 2014, and the Diploma from HIAST, Syria in 2004. From 2005 to 2011, he pursued industrial carrier in software and hardware development. Since 2011, he has been active in the research field, with several publications in journals and conferences proceedings. Since 2020 he has been a research group leader at Vodafone Chair Mobile Communications, TU Dresden. His research focuses on versatile signal processing techniques for communications and sensing from theory to implementation, and he is a member of IEEE ComSoc ETI on Integrated Sensing and Communications. He has worked on several EU and German funded projects, and currently involved in several 6G projects, including the European flagship Hexa-X and 6G-life research hub.