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Title: Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil
6G-life Position: Principal Investigator
University: TU Dresden – Chair of Highly Parallel VLSI Systems and Neuromicroelectronics
Phone: +49 (351) 463 – 42392
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Work Packages involved:
WP3.3 Materials
WP3.5 Adaptive Microelectronics and Network Hardware
Work Packages of interest:
WP1.4 Optical communication
WP1.7 Post-quantum cryptography
WP2.1 Network-internal data processing / Cloud
WP2.2 Compiler/operating system
WP2.3 AI, algorithms and digital twin
WP3.1 Robotics
WP3.2 Sensors and actuators
WP4.1 Industry
WP4.2 Medicine
WP4.3 Human-machine interaction
WP4.4 Test fields.

Christian Mayr  received the Dipl.-Ing. (M.Sc.) in Electrical Engineering in 2003, his PhD in 2008 and Habilitation in 2012, all three from Technische Universitätt Dresden, Germany. From 2003 to 2013, he has been with Technische Universität Dresden, with a secondment to Infineon (2004-2006). From 2013 to 2015, he was a group leader at the Institute of Neuroinformatics, University of Zurich and ETH Zurich, Switzerland. Since 2015, he is full professor at TU Dresden, head of the Chair of Highly-Parallel VLSI Systems and Neuromorphic Circuits. His research interests include computational neuroscience, bio-inspired artificial intelligence, brain-machine interfaces, AD converters and general System-on-Chip design. He is author/co-author of over 150 publications and holds 4 patents. He is a PI in two German excellency clusters, in the federal German AI compute center Scads.AI and in the EU flagship Human Brain Project. He has co-founded three startups. His work has received several national and international awards.