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Title: M.Eng.
6G-life Position: PhD Researcher
University: TU Dresden – Deutsche Telekom Chair for Communication Networks
Phone: +49 152 59643753
Google Scholar
Work Packages: WP 1.3 Post-Shannon Communication

Sifat Rezwan received his B.Sc. degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from North South University, Bangladesh, back in 2018. Then, he obtained his M.Eng. degree in Computer Engineering from Chosun University, South Korea, in 2022. During 2019–2020, he was with Grameenphone Ltd. (Telenor group), where he was involved in transmission network operations and automation and received the top performer award in 2020. He also worked as a lecturer at Uttara University, Dhaka, Bangladesh from 2018 to 2019. He has won multiple national and international engineering and robotic competitions. He has published papers in 4 journals and 14 conferences in his academic career till now. He is currently pursuing his Ph.D. at Technische Universität Dresden and working as a full-time Ph.D. researcher at Deutsche Telekom Chair of Communication Networks. He is currently working with Post-Shannon communication to increase the network capacity with functional compression and in-network computing.