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Christian Scheunert

Title: Dr.-Ing.
6G-life Position: Principal Investigator
University: TU Dresden – Chair for Communications Theory
Phone: +49 351 463 33044
Google Scholar
Work Packages: WP 1.3 Post-Shannon and algorithms, WP 2.3 AI, Algorithms and Digital Twin, WP 4.4 Test fields.

Christian Scheunert received his Bachelor degree in Electronic and Communication Engineering at University of Huddersfield, United Kingdom in 1998, and in 2000 his Diploma (Dipl.-Ing.) degree in Electrical Engineering at Dresden University of Technology. In 2010 he received his Doktor-Ingenieur (Dr.-Ing.) degree in Electrical Engineering at Dresden University of Technology. Since January 2001 he is scientific assistant and since October 2019 acting head of the chair for Communications Theory at Dresden University of Technology.