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  • H. Hoffmann, I. Funke, P. Peters, D. K. Venkatesh, J. Egger, D. Rivoir, R. Röhrig, F. Hölzle, S. Bodenstedt, M.-C. Willemer, S. Speidel, B. Puladi, AIxSuture: vision-based assessment of open suturing skills”, IPCAI (IJCARS), Barcelona, 2024.


  • Wierick, A., Schulze, A., Bodenstedt, S., Speidel, S., Distler, M., Weitz, J., & Wagner, M. (2024). “Der digitale Operationssaal“. Die Chirurgie.


  • Jonas Schulz; Clemens Dubslaff; Patrick Seeling; Shu-Chen Li; Stefanie Speidel; Frank H. P. Fitzek,”Negative Latency in the Tactile Internet as Enabler for Global Metaverse Immersion”, IEEE Network, pp. 1-7, 2024.


  • A. Schade, J. Schulz, V. Nguyen, C. Scheunert, S. Bodenstedt, G. T. Nguyen, S. Speidel, F. H. P. Fitzek, “On the Advantages of Hand Gesture Recognition with Data Gloves for Gaming Applications,” in Proc. IEEE PerCom 2023.


  • H. Boche, Y.N. Böck, S. Speidel, F.H.P. Fitzek: Turing Meets Machine Learning: Uncomputability of Zero-Error Classifiers, 62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2023.


  • S. Kolb, F. Jurosch, N. Kröger, F. Mehmeti, L. Bernhard, J. Fuchtmann, S. Speidel, W. Kellerer, D. Wilhelm, “6G in Clinical Applications: Integrating New Network Approaches in Healthcare”,In: Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering.


  • F. Jurosch, N. Kröger, S. Kolb, F. Mehmeti, E. Martens, S. Speidel, W. Kellerer, D. Wilhelm, J. Fuchtmann, “6G Networks for the Operating Room of the Future”, submitted to Progress in Biomedical Engineering.


  • S. Kolb, A. Madden, N. Kröger, F. Mehmeti, F. Jurosch, L. Bernhard, W. Kellerer, D. Wilhelm, “6G in Medical Robotics: Development of Network Allocation Strategies for a Telerobotic Examination System”, submitted to International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 2024.