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Title: Prof. Dr. med.
6G-life Position: Principal Investigator
University: TU Munich – Chair of Research Group Minimally invasive Interdisciplinary Therapeutical Interventions (MITI)
Phone: 0049 89 4140 5036
Google Scholar
Work Packages: WP 4.2. Medicine

After graduating with research on combined laparoscopic-endoscopic procedures and receiving the postgraduate lecture graduation on transluminal interventions I was recognized as professor in surgery in 2018. Currently, I work as a consultant surgeon, assistant managing director and lead for robotic and colorectal surgery at the Klinikum rechts der Isar/TUM. For research, I lead the research group MITI, which fosters collaborative research in the field of high-tech medicine, and which is closely linked to many partners within the clinic, the Technical University and Industry. Affiliations and active involvement exist with and to many national and international societies, e.g. CTAC, CURAC, DGEBV, CARS, etc.; since 2020 I was recognized as the director of the centre for medical robotics and machine intelligence (MRMI) at the Klinikum rechts der Isar.