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Title: Dr.-Ing.
6G-life Position: Head of Textile Chemistry and Textile Finishing, Polymer and Fiber Technology
University: TU Dresden – The Institute of Textile Machinery and High Performance Material Technology
Phone: 0351 463 44031
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Work Packages:
WP 3.2 Sensors and actuators WP 3.3 Materials

Iris Kruppke studied chemical engineering in the field of product technology and life science at the Technische Universität in Dresden/Germany. In 2013 she joint the Institute of Textile Machinery and High Performance Material Technology (ITM), TU Dresden/Germany. This was followed by the specialization in the field of carbon fiber surface treatment using gas phase reactions, plasma technique and conventional coating principles. She got her PhD in 2018 wherefore she earned the Hirschvogel award in 2018. Since October 2019 has headed the Group finishing and functionalization techniques of textiles as well as fiber spinning and polymer technologies at the ITM.